It starts here...

June 19, 2023

Cartoon caricature of Asian Girl

Husband: You need a blog,
Me: No dear, I need a pair of Jimmy Choo's,
Husband: No, your website needs a blog,
Me: Not as much as I need a pair of Jimmy Choo's.
I would like to say I put up a spirited resistance for my right to teeter around dangerously in 5 inch stiletto heels but the threat to call in Judge Molly to arbitrate meant that further resistance was futile. The USA gets Judge Judy. I get Judge Molly. Now you might think that Judge Molly being my daughter would give me more confidence in the legal system as practised in our house. However, after numerous legal judgements going against me I have long concluded that Judge Molly upholds the fine traditions of the Thai legal system and is available to the highest bidder. In fact I believe husband pays by direct debit. My generous offer to write the blog wholly in Thai was also declined, instead I can write in Tinglish, that incredible mixture of Thai and English that allows me to invent wonderful words and phrases that don't exist in either language. Sadly, you are unlikely to learn much Tinglish here as the editors (censors, and no prizes for guessing who they are) replace it with far less descriptive language :-)

This will not be a food blog, definitely not a food blog. Well, maybe "definitely" is going a bit too far, I'm Thai and being Thai means food is never far from my mind. Hmm, that means I'm either going to be writing some very short blog articles or food is going to be creeping in there somewhere. Oh, let's be realistic, it will probably not so much creep as invade. You've been warned!
Jimmy Choo's and these legs would never have worked anyway....


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