Serving presentation pork and lemongrass meatballs in Thai red curry sauce from my Thai curry

Pork & Lemongrass Meatballs in Thai Red Curry Sauce

by Nitsa Takhiansok

These pork and lemongrass meatballs provide a wonderful contrast to the Thai red curry sauce. Really easy to make and as a red curry is one of the milder curries this can be enjoyed by the whole family. A big pot of them also goes down well at summer barbecues, assuming summer arrives:-)

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Thai red curry noodles serving presentation 1

Thai Red Curry Noodle Soup

by Nitsa Takhiansok

This is such a quick and easy dish to make and yet so versatile and packed full of flavour. You can substitute prawns for chicken and mix and match on the veggies as well, whatever way you do it you’re in for a treat! Using the quantities below this will easily serve 3 hungry people, but it also scales up easily and you..

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Serving presentation for Thai red curry in young coconut

Thai Red Curry in Young Coconut

by Nitsa Takhiansok

Now that young coconuts are much more freely available, due mainly to the popularity of fresh coconut water as a drink, they offer the possibility of creating a spectacular way of serving a Thai curry for special occasions. Not only that, the young coconut flesh they contain is a superb addition to any curry, can also be served with a Thai green seafood curry....

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Thai Red Curry with Prawns Serving Presentation

Thai Red Curry with Prawns

by Nitsa Takhiansok

Luscious. I love that word and hate the fact that my Thai tongue has difficulty in getting around it to pronounce it properly! However, to me it’s a word that truly describes the combination of King prawns in a Thai red curry sauce. Despite the fact that I always have a bag of prawns in the freezer (and a packet of curry paste knocking around:-)), this is not a dish I eat often. The reason for that is simply that it is one of my all time favourites and so I keep it as a treat. This dish just ...

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